Friday, May 4, 2012

Framing Paintings, Assembling Cards, and Setting Up My Studio

I have been preparing for the Art Show at the Community Hall June 8 thru the 17. 

Also putting some greeting cards together for a friend in Yreka who wants to put some in her Beauty Shop.

I have been setting up my studio the last few weeks.

It's been fun opening boxes and discovering ... stuff.  

Here is a discovery that I had forgotten all about..

I think this was painted at an Art Show in 2002.

....til next time
Enjoy your day - whatever you're doing.

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

I'm back....

Looks like the blogger has changed.  It's been a while since I posted to my blog.  I have things to tell you about.  New posts coming soon....

Monday, August 29, 2011

Lambs Ear to Mullein

What we thought was Lamb's Ear early this spring ..... became giant Great Mullein as the summer progressed.

March 28, 2011. The leaves are velvety and the plant is growing close to the ground. That light greenish grayish color is what made us think it was Lamb's Ear.

May 5, the plant is slightly taller but is still very close to the ground and appears to be fanning out

And here we are on June 2. The center is starting its upward growth..

June 6

By June 30 the plants are starting to show some height.

On July 7 the Yucca is in full bloom and makes a great partner to the Mullein.

July 17. The plants are getting tall, and starting to branch out at the top.

August 31.

The plants are filling out and growing more stalks of flowers.

Sept 6.

We didn't take the measuring tape out, but it looks like they are twice George's height - totaling 12 ft.

Below is the head of the one George is holding to the right....

This is the head with flowers. The birds and bees love them.

Well, our neighbors say we're nuts for not chopping these down because a new plant will grow everywhere a flower drops.

These plants grown in field and along the roadside all around us. This is the most Mullein we have seen growing since we've lived here.... perhaps the wet spring... perhaps a winter ahead with chest congestion for many. You see the leaves of this plant are known as Gramma's Velvet (among many other names - see website reference below) and when brewed as tea they relieve congested lungs and when the leaves are burned, Asthma sufferers get relief inhaling the smoke.

Here's the most amazing thing of all... there is no water in that gulch... These plants have reached this growth with only those showers we had this spring. That's kept them going all this time.

This is a very impressive website that talks about the many many medicinal properties of this glorious "weed", we have growing in our midst.


Thursday, August 25, 2011

June at the Ranch

June 2011

We worked on the trenches for the propane installation, and tried to keep rain from filling them up.. Pumped out the water that accumulated with a boat pump borrowed from a neighbor. Enough of this rain already!!!

June 2, Frank from Amerigas came and hooked up the propane .... under sunny skies, I might add.

June 5, Jay and Jeff from Skyline Homes showed up to work on the inside of the house. They were thrilled that the weather was warm and NOT RAINING!!

June 8

I headed down below to my dear neice's graduation. Got to spend time with Shanna, Betty and Stan, and Jennie and Branch. It was a really great time. The weather was warm and dry.

I had a chance to visit with my old work friends, and helped celebrate Heather's 50th birthday..... yay Heather.

Meanwhile.............. back at the ranch....
June 8, the guys finished inside. The joining work at the marriage line (plastering, etc.) hung vertical blinds in the dining room, and set the door on the guest bath/shower.

June 11, the outside guys, Steve and Brandon, showed up again, and finished up their work around the foundation and painted the outside marriage line... which really looked crappy cause they didn't wash it first.

On that day finally, we got steps.... temporary steps. But steps none the less, at the front door.

Since May when the house was delivered, we have had to shimmy ourselves in thru the back door and/or use our little step stool on a board to get in.

(Note our little step stool in the lower left.)

This is Jay and Jeff taking out the faulty water heater.

June 13, three carpeting guys called from Quigley's. They couldn't find the house. Probably got directions from the same person as all the contractors. All of them got lost. And since we have no cell service on our highway, they always have to stop and ask someone in the neighborhood.

June 15, Jay came with the new water heater and gave us our orientation.

June 20, Bill came from Clayton to detail the house. "... to clean it up and make it sparkle ...." . He worked outside side to clean up the messy paint job with his pressure washer. He washed the floors and some of the windows.

June 27, Then came "moving out of our storage unit." We rented a U-Haul so we could do it in one day.

Pete helped empty the unit and Rita was at our house when we got back and she helped unload the truck.. Thank You Thank You to you both. So great to have such thoughtful friends.

Finally empty.

Got the mirror affixed and hung the Last Supper....
And the Dinning Room is done!

and that was June.

more to come


Monday, July 11, 2011

The House - May 2011

In May the house was delivered and many interested and supportive neighbors came to welcome and watch.

Then Side Two was delivered.

And then there were two:

Brandon is jacking up the house to get it ready to pull the two halves together. Brandon, BTW, is a Harry Potter look alike.

Setting out the foundation pads.

Getting ready to removed plastic sheets protecting the interior.

Rolling the two sides to join.

And then they were one.

And then it rained. ... and rained some more..... off and on all during May.

The axles pulled out.

Note the wind damage to roof. Interesting that Skyline doesn't put a strip on the front edge to protect from wind damage during transport.

The tow bars pulled out and ready for us to stow.

Then there was the Septic, the water, the electricity, and digging one more trench for the propane.

And that was May...............

June to come.
