Sunday, September 27, 2009

Two mysteries solved

Remember the mystery plant from Connie. It's the heart shaped leaves in the middle of the pansies...

The pansies didn't survive my June vacation, but my Connie plant just kept on

This is what it grew up to be. The flowers are small, and it's not very exotic, but proved to be very hardy with those poppy pods full of seed.

Still don't know the name.

Do you?

Second mystery... the volunteer vining plant. Tasted like a cucumber at the beginning, but had this roundy shape, and the new fruit looked like kiwi; small, dark, and fuzzy.

I decided at some point to not pick any more "cucumbers" and lo and behold, they grew up to be honey dew melons...

well some of them look like honey dew, but - on the same plant, mind you - is this other dark rough skinned melon. Soon we will pick them and see what they really are.

The sunflower heads are drying on the picnic table. The corn husks have been hauled to the burn pile..... and we're still picking patty pans.

The cantaloupes were beautiful. Some perfect specimens... some not so great! But they are ours and we love them.

That's it til we harvest the acorn and butternut squash.

Just as a side note. The temperatures here this week have been 40 degrees when we rise in the AM, and 96 to 100 mid afternoon. We also have a substantial amount of smoke filling the air. We're not seeing flames. The fires are north of us in southern Oregon. Dry and windy, we are told.

Take care.



Thursday, September 10, 2009

Garden Harvests - September

We have been enjoying many goodies from the farm. It has been fun sharing and trading produce with our neighbors and friends.

Patty Pan Squash.

Banana Peppers

Volunteer tomatoes. A variety of Roma, we think.

Butternut... haven't eaten any yet, but soon.

Acorn - soon to be harvested.

A new watermelon just starting. We had only one so far with vines that stretched 6 feet in each direction. It was tasty, and we were disappointed that we had only that one. This little guy has to grow really fast now to beat the frost, right?

We have eaten a couple cantaloupes. Just brought one in yesterday. It's sitting on the counter - mellowing.

The corn crop hasn't been prolific, but the few small ears we've eaten have been tasty.

And in closing.... couldn't resist sharing this little garden critter with you.

Enjoy the rest of your summer.

We are....
