Saturday, February 27, 2010

Rita's ranch

Our neighbor, Rita, lives atop a hill near the KR Comm Hall. She emailed me this AM to tell me,

Gem, her pregnant angora goat

birth to two babies yesterday. She named them Sapphire and Ruby.

Aren't they
just adorable? Curly, cuddly and pink. So, I learned today, that these are angora goats, which provide mohair.

Angora fur comes from rabbits. So we got that cleared up.

Rounding out her managerie:


more goats


some of which are Polish. That's the breed. Pretty funny, huh? One of my friends says her mom calls these Phyllis Dillers. Perfect nickname, I'd say.

And the dogs.

And last, a familiar member of every family.......

Thank you Rita for the wonderful morning meeting the troops



Friday, February 26, 2010

Excavating the Ranch - Day 2

This was the scene when I left Monday night.

They started Day 2 bright and early. By the time I got to the ranch, he had already uprooted the stumps and had made a pass or two on the lower level in front o the pole barn.

George and Ed discussing the next phase of building up the driveway.

Pete Haynes came up to look things over.

4:20 pm. It started to rain, and we called it a day.


Thursday, February 25, 2010

Excavating the Ranch

It was a beautiful sunny February day when we started excavating our "ranch" Monday (Feb 22).

He started on the pad where our house will sit. These are the stumps from trees that were actually growing together. We cut them down cause we didn't want to take a chance of them falling on our house.

He had to take a lot of passes (They were tenacious) to get them loose and then the oak tree stump split.

Eventually he uprooted them and out they rolled, still hugging each other with rocks innertwined in the root ball.

George hooked it to the Tangerine,

and with some extra throttle, he urged it down the hill...

It was following along ....
until.... it rolled over and hung up on this tree.

Cutting in driveway at the far end of the pad - around the boulder and heading for the lower level of the property toward the pole barn.

This was pretty much the end of Day 1.

Across the driveway toward the pole barn....
at the beginning of Day 2.

Stay tuned.

