Thursday, January 31, 2008

1-31-08 - More S-n-o-o-o-w - Farewell January - revised

(new photos added - of later in the day - see "The Rest of the Story" at the end of this blog)

We got more snow yesterday, but made it into town for groceries, water, and a mouse trap. Seems the snow drove a little varmint in out of the cold. When he was operating incognito in the darkness of night, I respected his cleverness, but when he came scooting out in plain site while we were still watching TV..... that was the last straw.

So last night we set two traps. He tripped one and escaped, but was captured by the second. Well he's back out in the snow now....... suffering no pain. We are back to a 2 person household once more. And glad of it!

(turns out he had a buddy.... who is out in the snow also)

At this point - 9:20am - we are being snowed upon by beautiful large white flakes. We had 4 inches when we awoke and it looks like we are up to about 10" right now. That means lots of load on the phone and power lines. Not seeing any sign of slowing down.

We just had a power flicker.... keep your fingers crossed.

Well, the humming birds are having a difficult time too. This was yesterday.....

and today.....

Jason will have to get out the ol' snow plow if we want to get out today....

The 4-Runner is now a rectangular snow ball!

P.S.: The lights just flickered again. We can only hold our breath and hope.


"The Rest of the Story"

There was only one more flicker and the generator was pressed into service.

............................. and Here are photos of the rest of the day

Note snow on top of the power pole behind the work shed. That's what leads to a power outage.... and all that weight on tree limbs and branches.

The power outage we're experiencing today was due to a hot line falling across power transformer buildings, which blew them up. (that's the story being passed around anyway)

Guess that's why it took so long to get us back up and going.

We are fascinated by the snow piling up on the 4-Runner. Note the back window - almost solid.

This was mid afternoon.

The snow kept coming.

Isn't this a perfect fairyland of snow covered branches? We are all trying to NOT think about the melting of all this snow. Our measurement was 16" at day's end.

Shirley Fisher tells us, looking back at her diaries, the last snow we had of this magnitude was 24 years ago. Then came the devastating '64 flood.

No snow plowing today. Jason and the troops were up helping clear Hwy 96 of a fallen tree.... and getting people unstuck who ventured out in their 4-wheel drives.

With the help of our propane oven, we are staying warm. We can watch TV (when the snow is not on the dish) and are able to do internet (but not both at the same time).

And George has a path to the table outside, so we still enjoy steaks BBQ'd off the grill.

Power still out at bedtime! Definitely a snuggle night.

/joB (addendum 2/2/08)

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

January Snow Storms on the Klamath River

Awoke to snow this morning January 29. It snowed until 2:45. Stopped and started up again. The full conglomeration of snow..... light falling softly, lazy pretty flakes, driving blowing, swirling and flurrying in all directions.

Wind can't seem to make up it's mind which way it wants to blow.

At the pond the ducks were covered in snow and shielding against the assault from above.

Considering the power was out from lunch time til dinner time yesterday, AND I saw three Pacific Power truck heading down river while I was taking photos this morning... it's a bit unsettling watching the snow doing its thing.

Even the birds were hiding out.

It is 3:50pm now and the snow has started up again. Looks like we have a few days of snow ahead according to the weather guessers.

We have gas for the generator and food in the frig, so we ready for whatever comes.

Stay tuned. Hope you're staying warm and cozy and enjoy January 2008.


Friday, January 18, 2008

Happy New Year

I have been busy studying for my ham license, so I have been remiss in updating my blog.

We had a great holiday with the family in San Jose at the home of my sister and brother-in-law, Betty and Stan.

The tree was decorated by their granddaughter (my niece) Shanna. Popcorn strung by her - one kernel at a time. I am so impressed. I never had luck with that project.

Good job Shanna!

Chocolate fountain flowing in the background.

It was really getting with it until we dipped the level down to a trickle. Awesome treat!

Branch and Shanna anxiously awaiting the Yankee Gift Exchange.

UNO game - new version, hot on the market.

That was Branch's gift and Shanna's pick. It was yet another twist to the game which was great fun to play!!

We took our traditional walk after supper to enjoy candles glowing in paper bags lining the sidewalk in the neighborhood.

Christmas Eve was full moon also. Very beautiful. Very fun!

Returned to Klamath River December 31 to plowed snow along the road and unmelted snow in the park....

Still had Frank's lights glowing on into the night.

..... Fair weather for almost a week and then

.... more snow and power outages.

And even Bingo at the hall was canceled due to poor weather and bad health of our bingo caller.

Here we are - January 18 and we are having 18 to 20 degree nights and sunny days. Heavy frosty mornings.

My ham test should be February 2. Then I will be onto my nephew's wedding in Arizona and then back home and onto painting the mural.

May we all enjoy a healthy and joyous new year!!