Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Feb 13 - 24. Arizona / Nevada Trip. Part 1. The Wedding!

Just returned from a great trip to Arizona for my nephew's wedding. Had a wonderful time visiting with family I haven't seen for a long time.

My brother Rick, sister-in-law Pam and niece Tina....the groom's family.

Stayed at my niece's home in Glendale.

These happy people posing with Traci's stone snowman are my brother Tom, sister-in-law Joan and her mom Helen, whose 80th birthday we celebrated while on this trip.

This is Traci, my lovely niece with whom we stayed during the wedding festivities.

She's here with her uncle Rick, father of the groom. Her boyfriend Chris is at the left and her mom Joan is at the right of the picture. The monk on the far left is Tom, my bother.

Here is his close up.....

The uncle... dressed and ready for the festivities of the evening, practicing his bible reading before passing out blessings at the wedding.

Our daughter Jennifer and her boyfriend Michael, with her cousin the groom who was experiencing a high fever this night of the wedding ("in sickness and in health" was the word of the night) ergo the tight jaws - from shivering in the cool Phoenix evening.

I guess you have figured out by now this was a renaissance/medieval wedding.

and tah tah tah tah ta-taaa...... the bride and groom..........

Mr & Mrs Michael Smetka. Married February 19, 2008.

More the travel adventure to follow....

Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Feb 4 -Clear Enough to go to Town

Headed into Yreka this morning with our neighbor Karen, to stock up during a respite in the storm.

Mount Shasta was in her glory, glowing in the sun.

As we drive Hwy 263 from Hwy 96 into town. We always pass this farm down in the valley on the Shasta River. He has these cutouts of cows.

Directly below his "air mail" mail box in the shape of an airplane atop a 15' pole, is a sign when approaching his farm that says "Pig Crossing"....
ergo... the pigs

Yreka didn't have nearly as much snow as we did. But we were surprised to see these icicles at the storage unit.

It was a great day in town. No snow shovels to be found tho.

We are stocked up for the next - whatever - that comes along.


Monday, February 4, 2008

February 3. We Still Got Snow !

No new snow today. The power did a few flickers, but it stayed on and I even got 3 loads of laundry done.

As I headed out thru old footprint tracks - some already forming slush, look what I discovered amidst the piles of snow.......................,

this little quail bobbing along the path.

(if you double click on the image, you can even see his little top knot).

..... and the rest of the family searching for breakfast.

They are really puffed up against the cold.

Aren't they just adorable?

.....Well, back to earth. We are hoping to get into town tomorrow, maybe even Medford. You know we'll be checking the highway traffic cam for weather/snow over the Siskiyous.

Earlier in the storm (last Thursday and Friday) Highway 5 was closed between Redding CA and Ashland OR. That always means "no vacancy" signs at motels in Yreka. Since we haven't had snow for a few days, the trip should be doable. Wish us luck, the larder is getting low!


Saturday, February 2, 2008

Ground Hog Day - Feb 2 - on the Klamath River

Snowing again..... No ham test today..... canceled due to weather! urgh.
The plan was - go to Yreka where SCARA (Siskiyou County Amateur Radio Association) was to have their monthly breakfast. The VECs were taking me off to the Forestry Service Building to give me my Tech exam. I was hoping to have my license before we leave for cruising season.... but now the plan is March 1. It can't possibly snow for a month. Can it?

It started snowing at 5am. It is now 9:30am and it looks like 2 inches already.... Forecast: Snow the rest of the week.

That's gonna wipe out a lot of Super Bowl parties tomorrow.

Can you see the snow piled up from the drive way cleaning? and how much has already gathered on the tree limbs....

No picnics at this table today.... also no ants.

When the snow builds up on the Satellite dish, one of us has to grab the broom and head down the hill.

George usually gets nominated, mainly cause my boots are the 4" style and his are higher.

We have had to do that already this am ..... before 10.

And yesterday the power was out from the day before..... no blogging and no Bingo at the hall, can't find those numbers in the dark.

So with our neighbor Karen's clam chowder, biscuits, banana cream pie, and our goulash, shredded cheese and brownies, we headed up the hill (with chains on) to the Haynes' ( we have gas stoves, they have electric - not so great in power outage time) and just as we were about to eat dinner, the power came back on.

It was a warm cozy night, and we still have power and heat and are running the "dehydrator" (actually a dehumidifier) to suck up the condensation that gathers on the walls and windows when it's warm in here.
