We taxi'd to Pantec, picked up our Toy-ota, and enjoyed greeting other boaters as they arrived at Squalicum Harbor visitor docks.
This was a sight we experienced as we walked the docks the evening of September 3.
What is this chem-trail thing? It is always chilling to see these trails.... especially when they are so obvious. We even saw them in Alaska's pristine skies.
The docks at Squalicum Harbor are beautiful....popping with color. Great sight as we saw few flowers in Southeast Alaska, due to the late cool summer.
It's been a great curising season inspite of the weather. We met a lot of fun and interesting people, visited some really neat marinas, sank our hook in beautiful tranquil anchorages, met and caught some great eating fish, prawns, and crab.
Thank you God for allowing us to enjoy this part of your beautiful world.
And especially Thank you all - our family and friends - for the support and interest in our blogging and cruise adventures. It's been fun sharing with you all.
Go to George's blog, www.teallog.blogspot.com, to see the statistics of our travels.
Farewell from the Pacific Northwest .... and until next time.....
"Fair winds, smooth seas, and happy journeys.
(...and the Captain says hi)