Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My last project - work in progress

I know, I know.... the question? What were you working on in class? so here it is....

I stopped short of finishing this little 5x7 painting....

I started with a pinkish sienna and umber background, and then layered the snow over the top. The bench started taking on the appearance of a couch and that's about when the class ended for the session in mid December. Actually the last class never happened, cause we had a power outage that night, and the roads were too treacherous to travel . I plan to correct this and finish the painting, but for now, I have already put my acrylic paints away and plan to use the oils and alkyds going forward for this next session.

I've had a hard time getting a good photo of this little painting... It's blurry and I'm not sure how to fix that short of taking it outside.... which by the way...

this is what is happening outside at this moment. 2:36 pm, PST, Feb 10, 2008.

Maybe I should go out and paint en plein air.... Right!

It's 32 degrees right now. A bit too cool for this fair weather artist.

And it is a gray winter day.... which we haven't had many of lately, it's been springtime here.... our humming birds are just flitting and fluttering along here at the feeder. They don't care about the snow.

Enjoy your day.



Monday, February 9, 2009

Happy February

It's been a slow start to the new year.... not much happening. Winter doldrums I guess.

The weather has been mild. It's 20 degrees when we rise in the morning, and it usually gets to between 45 and 55 degrees by midday. And soon we are shaded in and the temp starts to drop. The ducks love these days as you can see from the duck action at the pond.

George went out to throw a couple casts and he spotted this fox in Shirley's trap. He is cute, but these foxes cause a lot of problems here in the park, not to mention bothering those ducks in the pond.

The spring session of our Art class starts this week. Looking forward to that. We almost didn't get enough locals signed up to have it.... always a problem in an area that has so few of us. So here's what we look like painting at the community hall.

Wendy in the orange sweater. She's a skilled water cololrist.

Ron working on those daisies.

This is Rebecca painting upside down, which is a process to paint WHAT YOU SEE and not how you THINK a thing is SUPPOSED to look.

Daisy working on her creation.

Robin working on those mushrooms. Can't see what Rita has going there.

Kathryn sketching a still life and David working on petals and leaves.

Sam, analyzing his fish. Sam paints bee hive boxes. We see them along Hwy 96.... very colorful as you can see here.

My good buddy Karen adding some pizazz to a landscape scene.

Nancy our instructor is the blond facing this way.

So this is the gang, using oil, acrylic, and water color.... which must drive Nancy crazy, trying to teach all those mediums, as well as different skill levels. We are all at different places in our painting experience.

We'll be using palette knife and oils this session. This is always fun.

I'll take pictures and bring them to you.

