Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Snow today!!! March 30, 2010

TODAY- March 30.... it is snowing at the Klamath River.

I think this might be the third time it's snowed all winter.... BIZARRE!

The temps haven't gotten over 40 degrees, even tho the sun has come out a few times.
This morning's snow proba
bly delivered an inch of snow, but then soon was washed out by the rain that followed.

This is our new butterfly/dragonfly chime from my sister and family.... Easter gift. It was getting snowed on... as well as the humming birds coming into the feeders along side.

It is 2pm, and snowing - yet AGAIN!

Monday, March 29, 2010

March Excavating at the Ranch

A lot of dirt moving has gone on since I posted excavation last. Ed is making great progress. And then it rains.

Casey, his son, has come up a couple times to help. He is really good with the equipment. This is the area in front of the pole barn that we are gathering dirt from and flattening out for drainage, etc. I'm not sure what the master plan is, but Ed and George seem to know what they're doing.

This is the "luge" Ed put in for George.... kidding of course. It's to divert water from flowing toward the house.

The area where the house will sit has some loamy soil (great for the garden) and a lot of rocks, and shisht, and clay. So we have it all.

The sloping hill behind George is the wall/hill behind the house.

Looking down at the drive-way extended from end of the pad, rounding down to the pole barn.

There are only a few more days of work remaining, but we are waiting for rain to stop...yet AGAIN!




Friday, March 5, 2010

George inducted into MSPA Hall of Fame

Wednesday, March 3, we headed to Oakland's Francesco's Restaurant to attend the MSPA (Motor Sports Press Association) 47th Annual Awards Green Flag Dinner.

George was presented with a handsome plaque and inducted into the 2009 MSPA Hall of Fame.

The letter he received from MSPA stated:
"Many drivers can be accomplished in one or two types of racing. Few can be as successful as you have been, let alone in formats as diverse as motorcycles, midgets, super modifieds, stock cars and Indy cars."

Needless to say, George was very honored. He really has a lot of respect for the Motor Sports Press. In the early days of racing it was difficult to get ink for what was considered by many sports writers a frivolous "non-sporting" recreation. He was running races before NASCAR became the "end all - be all" of oval track racing.

The presentation was made by Dennis Mattish, Motor Sports Photographer and Author.

He has recently published his "History of San Jose Auto Racing 1903-2007". It is a coffee table book with beautiful color pictures, including any one you ever heard of who raced at San Jose, in it's hayday. Dennis has done an excellent job of capturing the history and allure of San Jose area racing.

Here the authors are comparing notes discussing the business of book writing.

It was a very nice evening, catching up with old racing friends we haven't seen for a very long time. We were the last ones to leave and arrived back at our hotel room at the bewitching hour.

This is how we started our Wednesday morning:

The sky remained interestingly cloud-studded all afternoon. Quite a drive.

We made our standard commuting down below stops: Brunch at Rolling Hills Buffet in Corning - coming and going - and Trader Joe's, Redding for the grocery stocking-up on the way back.

Thanks MSPA.

