Since the last post, we had an Easter (decorate your bonnet) Red Hat party,
I helped judge a 4-H art show at the Fairgrounds, Jenni and Michael's trip to London was stymied by the Volcano, Branch got back into Costco - full time, Yea!, found a new company from who to buy our house,
attended National Red Hat Day,
The only work on the property in April was George transplanting Cedar seedlings.
During this chore he discovered a water line - close to the surface. A little repair work followed that discovery.
Most of April we had rain, drying, and rain again. Ed was never able to get any work done - the whole month.
And that was April....had a lot of 32 degree mornings.
May 3: Rick the trucker, who will bring our house came to check things out. He told us where to straighten the driveway, and which trees/limbs/branches to cut.
He marked them with his spray paint..
Ed worked 11 days in May.
George bought a chain saw, which has passed field trials. Many more limbs and branches cut since that purchase.
This is the driveway before....,.
and after a little grading. It's like a super highway now.
These are some BIG rocks that were uncovered in this process.
The best part of May: I went to see our kids... mother's day treat. It was a short over-the-weekend trip, and it was great. Spent my first 2 nights at Jenni & Michae'ls... on the new futon.
I spent the next 2 night at Stan & Betty's. Shanna is almost out of school - her junior year.
Got to see Branch at work. He took me to lunch and we shopped and spent some good time together.
Finished the month with a Memorial Day motor cylce extravaganza at the Klamath River Golf Course... which was a bust. They planned for 350 bikers and only 70 to 100 showed up. WE, the brilliant Klamath River Community Hall, thought selling ice cream and cookies would be a great money maker. HOWEVER, our idea may have been a bigger fizzle than the low turnout. Selling ice cream to beer drinkers ??? So it's back to the drawing board for next year's biker event. It was fun tho, just watching the people, their get ups, and their tattoos.
All that rain has made for some beeeutiful wild flowers.