Sunday, April 27, 2008

Avalanche Conditions ??

It has been a rainy weekend and we are listening to XM radio and watching it rain in Thomas Basin 9pm Alaska time (we're a hour behind Pacific time) Sunday night April 27. Looks like it'll be coming down thru most of tomorrow, and then maybe sun again.

On a snowier note:

We have been watching the cornice on the tippy top ridge of this mountain range.

If you double click to enlarge these pictures, you get an idea, from the shadowing under that little cornice, the potential for an avalanche if conditions are just right!

Juneau had an avalanche April 18 (Jennie's birthday as a matter of fact, and not to be forgotten anniversary of the 1909 SF Earthquake). "The mile-and-a-half wide slide took out more than a mile of transmission line" quoted by Alaska Light and Power. "It could be a month before workers can safely begin repairing the line. She says hydropower wouldn't be restored for at least three months." The residents have gone from paying 11 cents per kilowatt hour to 50 cents for diesel power.,2933,351700,00.html

The cornice pictured is more than likely not an issue for Ketchikan, but the residents have just been recently relieved of a power rate increase due to a rain shortage and having to depend on diesel power rather than hydro. I THINK they went from 11 cents to 25 cents per kilowatt hour and that was heavily felt. The Juneau-ites must really be feeling the pressure of this one.




Week of April 20 - Sunshine & Working on the Boat

The weather has been beautiful all week. (Well yesterday and today April. 26 & 27 - not so good - raining and blowing). But last week - ah-vey! Sunshine for 8 days straight.

We have gotten a lot done on the boat. George has done a lot of standing on his head wiring, installing, and connecting things..

1. solar panel

2. ran wire for a ham antenna

3. ran more wire for another ham antenna

(Picture: George doing his snake routine - running wire. All ll the stuff on the table was pulled out just to get to the business end of the solar panel and depth meter. All of this is stored in the "shed", the quarter berth behind the seat that conceal our frig/freezer.)

4. horn

5. depth meter

6. redesigning the Bimini to hold the new solar panel

7. motor - re-connected and running

8. new steering cable for tiller

(Picture of hoops lined up for proper distance for new panel. Also a great shot of our Yamaha motor - George's pride and joy. He LOVES that outboard.)

(Picture of George adjusting the back solar panel.)

We received our shipment of antenna paraphernalia from Universal Radio. George ran wire for that too. We now have a switch so we can go from our VHF Marine Radio to the ham radio. No one here seems to use the repeater 2m, and since we know for sure the Northern Boaters Net is on the higher band 3.865 / 3.870, we're shooting to bring that in, but so far we have had only bird chirps and underwater gurgles. We are close to the club house, the FM radio station, and all the marina interference, so we are hoping when we get out in the open water, things will be better. There is always the di pole.

We are heading to The Shack on Dora Bay for the big "meet" May 10. Maybe all the experts coming to visit Darlene and Floyd will have some good advice to get us on.

Stay tuned.

88 (hugs and kisses in ham talk)




Saturday, April 19, 2008

Apri 14. Teka leaves for Sitka

Teka Lamade diligently tended our boat during the winter of 07/08. George showed you a picture (on of our boat under snow and ice. It was during one of these snow storms, that Teka shoveled snow out of Teal's cockpit. To her we are thankful... cause all winter when we were watching Teal on the harbor webcam, we knew that she was being well cared for.

Well, we got back to Ketchikan in time to celebrate Teka at her farewell party at the Yacht Club. She had a huge turnout... 35 members and friends showed up to let her know how much she will be missed. She's off to Sitka to take the next step of her legal career. She has accepted a position of attorney in family law and apologetically I don't remember her exact title.

On April 14, she departed Thomas Basin with her crew Dwight and Sally aboard her S/V Allegro.

Toward the end of the week, we heard they made it to Petersburg. We are anxious to hear of their arrival and all the stories of their voyage.

Fair winds Teka. See you in Sitka.............



Thursday, April 17, 2008

April 3 & 4 - Shrimp Net to Cheese to the Ferry

We left beautiful Harstine Island,_Washington

.... and all the pampering Nancy and Neil showered upon us with. It was a most congenial stay. Thank you Nancy for all your cooking and fussing. Yours was the best B&B we've had the pleasure of visiting.

We headed to Johns Sporting Goods, Everett, WA to buy the "only shrimp trap" that really really works.

Danielson Heavy Duty 24" Shrimp Pot 7/8" Mesh Pot Ramp Style

However..... the warehouse was delivering them on Monday... well obviously we weren't going to wait. We had a ferry to catch. So we bought a lure and bade farewell to John and headed to Buzz-In Steak House for lunch. Not a repeat in our book.

We checked out a total of 9 other places for this trap and they all carried something similar but those had the cone shaped inlets, not the rectangular ones, that are the sure thing....

We hit the Ferry Terminal in Ferndale near Bellingham and picked up the tickets and on the way bought the cheapest gas of the trip $3.19 at Arco near North Samish in Bellingham.

We checked into the Travel Lodge on Samish and ate dinner at the Black Angus across the street. Neither establishment is worth a mention, other than, don't waste your time going there... likewise for the I-Hop breakfast the following morning. We really like the manager, same fella was there in 05 when we worked on the boat at Padden Creek. But the food..... not-so-great.

Those new pancakes you see advertised on TV with the fruit and whip cream. Well the berries were frozen and by the time they melted enough to enjoy, the squirt cream was evaporated.../soaked in... whatever. So much for the power of advertising....they really look good on TV.

Friday, April 4

Tried to find Oolong Tea for George. Ended up having to find an Asian herb store to get that kind of tea. It was very near Yeagers Sporting Goods.
G had no confidence in finding his shrimp there, cause we always strike out there, But dada! There it was the "Danielson Heavy Duty 24" Shrimp Pot 7/8" Mesh Pot Ramp Style." Hoorah! and who would have guessed it.... the 10th store, and the least likely... Always pays to check it anyway I guess.

Had time to pay a visit to the Bead Shop in Ferndale to have a jewel inset into the charm on my Joan Smetka crystal bracelet before we headed to Ferndale to buy our cheese allotment for the summer. We buy the wheels and store them in the bilge and they age as we cruise. We usually polish them off before they get very aged unfortunately. Love that Gouda.

We drive north of Bellingham into the Ferndale country side and always smile when we see Kickerville Road. About 1/4 mile from the corner is the Pleasant Valley Dairy from whom we buy the cheese.

I LOVE buying direct from the farmer. She makes the cheese right there and has such a pride in her products... Just a diary maid, making cheese, just for us.

We used to buy at the dutch door, but now we go in to "sample" and buy. They have musili, gouda, farmstead. So of course we always have to remind ourselves of the differences.

Check them out....

On the way to cheese I always watch for this landmark... and I muse... not all permanent houses are bigger than our trailer.... or as colorful.
Isn't this just the cutest.

I have a childhood memory of a place like this in Cone, Michigan. Maybe not quite this color, but there's something about the design of the structure....

We went into Ferndale and ate lunch at Bob's Steak House. Large portions. Great onion rings. George had a squirrel sandwich. The menu said people come from miles around for this delicacy. It was actually very thinly sliced beef in a scrump-dele-iscious sauce. They serve a great clam chowder also. Recommend for next time you're in Ferndale.

Left our car at Pantec Storage, called Triple A taxi for a van, and headed to the Ferry Terminal.

We hung around and waited a
considerable amount of time for it all to get moving. We boarded after putting our bags on the cart, which were smelled by the "drug/weapon/bomb/etc sniffing dog"

The cars were lined up and none were boarding... couldn't quite figure that out - still haven't
But eventually it all got moving. ... all 90 cars. We were about 1/3 capacity passenger-wise, but max on the cars.

Many passengers were jockeying to get good spots on the deck. This is a heated, covered area, open to sea ahead. Here there are reclining lawn-type chairs where people camp out.

And some even pitch their tents.

This is a 36 hour trip to the first port. That was us.... to Ketchikan. Many stayed on for a few more ports and more hours ahead.

I saw The Chipmunk Movie, and as much of The Bee Movie as I could take... wow for Seinfeld that was not such a great production. Cute, but not THAT cute.

It was a relaxing time. I finished "Loot" the paperback I have been reading. Left it for the next guy near the pursers office.

George has pics and stories on his blog.

This one's for you Vick.

Sunset from the Ferry.

Good Evening All.

Next. Ketchikan and Teka's departure to Sitka.



Sunday, April 13, 2008

Klamath River and our April 1 Departure

We had a belated Easter celebration with our friends at the river. The Haines standing there with George are old time Ketchikan residents. Pete and Shirley have acquainted us with many good fishing, crabbing, and shrimping holes in the SE Alaska waters.

We had a great day with Shirley Fisher and her family celebrating the coming of spring and and the finding of Easter Eggs.

We departed the river mid morning and had a good trip to Beaverton, Oregon... Had dinner with our friends Palmer and Eileen... midget race car buddies from days of yore. We had fun catching up at McGraths Fish Market. (We have one in Medford. I tried the pear/walnut salad recommended by Karen, our good
friend/neighbor, (pictured above with G and the Haines) It was as good as she said.. The seafood here is really good.

Palmer does wood working and we ordered a name sign for in front of our house... he'll be working on it for us during the summer and we'll pick it up on our way home. I'm very excited about it.

We spent the night at the Comfort Inn and ate one of the best breakfasts at Tom's Pancake House. It is NOT a chain, and it's been in operation for over 30 years. The waitress has been there for 18 and the manager worked his way up from his job of bus boy many years ago. We highly recommend it if you're in Beaverton.

We got our Trader Joe's fix down the street, picked up an adapter for the headset for the ham radio at Radio Shack and made a gas stop visit. The prices weren't all that bad... actually in the low $3 bracket..

Spent Tuesday afternoon and evening with Neil and Nancy on Harstiene Island, WA. They are great friends from our Oak Harbor boat yard days. We met at the harbor a couple years ago. Last year Neil spent a lot of time via phone helping us acquire a Hawkings antenna to get better wireless access with our internet. This year he is helping us with our Ham Radio stuff... antennas, techniques, and tips of the trade. He got George squared away on the antenna rigging for the boat.

Nancy and I had fun talking art. She is a wonderful water colorist, and is dipping into the oils and is doing a beautiful job. Check out her blog:

We awoke the next morning to a great breakfast, courtesy of Nancy. She cooked while Neil, George and I listened in to the Northwestern Boaters Net. Neil introduced me to the folks on the net, and even tho I'm not licensed for that frequency, I was allowed a chat of introduction.

We communicated with Neil on our way north, and it was fun to know the radio worked.

This is our radio, Kenwood TH-F6A. Not much larger than a cell phone.

It's very cute and has a bazillion features. Thank God. George has the patience to read directions and figure all this stuff out.

Next segment - Ferry Ticket pick up in Fairhaven and Cheese in Ferndale.


(Check George's blog for his spin on our Ketchikan arrival.) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

Sunday April 13, Snowing again...

The night wind blew 40- 50 mph. Many times gusts slapped against the boat, with a loud wake up call! Our bent fish net disappeared in the storm, evidently when we were shoved over at an angle, it slid down off the biminy into the water.... never to be seen again.

Since we awoke this morning, we have had sun, rain, snow, rain, blue sky, sleet, gray sky, rain, snow, and a rising barometer.... So we have good times ahead on the weather front. Can't come soon enough....



Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Snow in April in Alaska - April 8

Well it IS Alaska you say. However............

even the locals were caught off guard by this snow storm today. Snow tires came off yesterday when the rain stopped and the sun came out.

At first I was taking pics from inside the boat, cause it was raining/snowing and it was in the low 30S and just too sloppy to go out.

That's the Creek Street bridge at the upper left. Notice how high up all those buildings are. We are having a minus tide situation right now. Most of the time we are pretty much on the same level as the street... but not at 9am this morning.

The rain eventually disappeared and it was only snowing at this point. Notice all the rocks covered in the white stuff.

So finally I couldn't stand it, I went out.....

Notice how steep the ramp is ... later in the day it was level. That's always the best time to do errands, no ladder climbing... well it seems like a ladder, steep and slippery.

This is our bent fish net atop the biminy. It just happens to be a Ranger Landing Net, made in Detroit, on John R.... not just your run-of-the-mill fish scooper.... and joyously not made in China. However, it needs straightening - neighboring boat crash.... anyway, this gives you an idea how much snow we got.

As the day progressed, we got sunshine and more rain, but never got much above 40. Not like our days on the Klamath River.

Stay tuned. Who knows what tomorrow may bring.



Sunday, April 6, 2008

We're in Ketchikan

Our trip north was great! Our visits with friends were awesome! Our trip on the Ferry was uneventful, but an adventure none the less, and the 36 hours really went fast. Really fast! We actually arrived in Ketchikan this morning at 6am.... an hour ahead of our scheduled arrival time. Pictures will follow in the next few days...

Guess what! It was raining when we arrived and it rains as we speak!
