We have gotten a lot done on the boat. George has done a lot of standing on his head wiring, installing, and connecting things..
1. solar panel
2. ran wire for a ham antenna
3. ran more wire for another ham antenna
(Picture: George doing his snake routine - running wire. All ll the stuff on the table was pulled out just to get to the business end of the solar panel and depth meter. All of this is stored in the "shed", the quarter berth behind the seat that conceal our frig/freezer.)
4. horn
5. depth meter
6. redesigning the Bimini to hold the new solar panel
7. motor - re-connected and running
8. new steering cable for tiller
(Picture of hoops lined up for proper distance for new panel. Also a great shot of our Yamaha motor - George's pride and joy. He LOVES that outboard.)
(Picture of George adjusting the back solar panel.)
We received our shipment of antenna paraphernalia from Universal Radio. George ran wire for that too. We now have a switch so we can go from our VHF Marine Radio to the ham radio. No one here seems to use the repeater 2m, and since we know for sure the Northern Boaters Net is on the higher band 3.865 / 3.870, we're shooting to bring that in, but so far we have had only bird chirps and underwater gurgles. We are close to the club house, the FM radio station, and all the marina interference, so we are hoping when we get out in the open water, things will be better. There is always the di pole.
We are heading to The Shack on Dora Bay for the big "meet" May 10. Maybe all the experts coming to visit Darlene and Floyd will have some good advice to get us on.
Stay tuned.
88 (hugs and kisses in ham talk)
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