Friday, March 28, 2008

March 28 - Getting Ready to Cruise

We are up to our elbows getting ready for our trip north. Hasn't been much time for blogging. We're leaving here April 1.

The park is sprouting spring blossoms even though snow has been forecast for today. We HAVE had 32 degrees and lower in the early mornings, but spring persists.

Our Ferry trip from Bellingham to Ketchikan starts April 4, but we will be visiting with dear friends on the way up.

Palmer and Eileen, Neil and Nancy here we come....

Also Ferndale Cheese awaits our purchase... more about that when we get to Bellingham.

Stay tuned ...



Anonymous said...

I can't believe it's already spring again! Seems like you were just taking off last year.

have the best time ever!


Nancy Van Blaricom said...

Anxious for your arival. Lets talk boats and painting.......