Monday, July 21, 2008

The Paddle Wheeler Ride & Show

We were picked up early Saturday and headed to the River Boat Dock. The weather was so wicked they wouldn't take her out. Too much wind for the Queen.

The trip was halted until "maybe tomorrow."

Sure enough, the rain slowed down and the wind let up, and the steam engines were puffing when we arrived Sunday morning.

We paddled along the

waterfront of Ketchikan down to

Saxman Totem Park.

The show was entertaining and the narrative by Clare Bennett was most informative, right down to the name sake of the island on which Ketchikan is situated. It is a long Spanish name which includes all of his ancestral maiden names. His last name was Revillagigedo. The locals just say Revilla. Do you wonder why.

We were treated to a fun performance by Jack Shay and company. It was a small audience; us and a handful of passengers off a cruise ship visiting for the day.

We came back to our little Teal and spent a quiet day. Amidst raindrops we did computer work, laundry, and provisioning for our next trek.

We'll be heading out today (Monday July 21) for our circumnavigation of the Island of "Revilla". Should be back in a week or so.

See you then.

(The captain has been busy blogging - go check his blog)


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