Thursday, August 21, 2008

Port McNeill to Echo Bay

We left Port McNeill Monday the 18th, but the winds were 25-30 knots so we turned around and came back and spent another night.

But on the way out we swung by Dream Seeker to get their card and some information about some software Linda uses for her cruising journal.

Dream Seeker S/V 36 Erikson, Linda and Don Burnett
from Calistoga California. We had cocktails on their boat Monday night as they came in to the harbor also. It really got rough out their and they didn't want to rock and roll all night. It was fun comparing our Alaska/Canada summers.

On the way out to their boat, we passed our Teal's sister ship.

The sky when we left Port McNeill Tuesday. That sun.... real sunshine surrounded by blue sky and white clouds.

Tied to the dock at Joe Cove. Looks like nobody in the Canada harbour authority is doing anything to keep this float afloat. It is a favorite spot for many cruisers.... so it's really a shame to have it getting so delapitated. There were four of us tied to her Wednesday night.

This was out crab catch this morning. 5 crabs: 4 female, 1 male. This is the first time the girls have out numbered the boys in our crab trap. We have seldom even caught females this year. The boy was a biggy and we cooked him when we got to Echo Bay.

It was a beautiful day today. Can you believe chem trails in this pristine country!

We fished most of the day, but had no great success. We caught this guy for bait. Not sure what he is tho.

We pulled into Pierre's at Echo Bay in the warm afternoon sunshine. Got showers, cooked crab, and baked joBee Brownies - new creation- derived from mis-reading the tiny print on the cake mix box.... put in a 1/3 cup water instead of 1 1/3 cups. These are for the potluck at Lagoon Cove tomorrow, (I'll let you know how they went over). We then headed to the big tent for a steak dinner. Which turned out to be really great. Met some fun folks, one of which was the cousin of Dale (and Darla) Stolty, former residents of Klamath River. Small world we all said..... and it is!

Lagoon Cove and prawns for dinner.

Happy journey, happy life.
(& the captain says hi)

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