Sunday, November 30, 2008

Art for Klamath Community Center

Our neighbor Frank Cardoza had installed a sign identifying the Klamath River Community Center, and asked me to paint a mural for the side facing the hall.

My research involved getting advice from John Pugh and Gerald Boyd. I worked with both these renown artists
on art shows at the Los Gatos Museum of Art when we lived in the Bay Area.

John Pugh
renown for his Trompe l'oeil. His stuff is awesome!

He recommended Golden Paints and gave me the name of his contact there. It was a great experience; good prices, speedy delivery, and freely given suggestions and information for doing my first outdoor mural. John also recommended MDO board for the surface.

Gerald Boyd, a former billboard painter also gave me counsel. ".....Gerald is among the last of several generations of artists who made their living painting giant outdoor advertisements until technology rendered that craft virtually extinct....."

For these artists my project was "mini". It was "maxi" to me, as my largest painting til now had been 24"x36", and this peicee measures 30"x 82". A bit daunting.... With all the paint materials secured, the board cut, and the first gesso coat on; it was early spring and time to leave for Alaska. The painting still not started. I thought about it a lot during the summer, and when we returned this fall, the mural was first on my agenda.

I used the park office as a painting studio. It was roomy and dry and warm, but I could not stand back far enough to really see it as I would have liked.

I gessoed the board this shade of red to illuminate the background.

I then blocked in the basic design, which I had composed from a series of photos I took last fall.

The left of the painting with a road and the mountains in the background.

The center..."the river runs through it."
(I couldn't resist that movie title here)

This is the right side...mountain, foreground, sky.

Then comes the nitty gritty..... blog.....



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