Friday, November 28, 2008

Art is happening.....

Art classes have been going really well. This is one of our first class projects.

It's interesting that with 21 students, there are 21 renditions of this photo. I am hoping that our instructor would have everyone bring their painting in on the last night so we could see each others and get critiques, but not sure that's going to happen. We have many levels of skill and 3 mediums oil, acrylic, and water color. It really keeps Nancy on her toes.

This was fun. It's actually my first attempt with acrylic paint. I have been using oils and alkyds for all these years. But knowing I have the community center project outdoor mural running along side my class projects, I decided to stay with the same paint for both and take advantage of my teacher's and classmates' expertise to help acquaint me with this quite differently-handled paint. Acrylic dries faster and different mediums are used for effects; ie, slowing the drying time and clean up. It's been an education. But after a few paintings under my belt, I kinda like it. And it's not as painful as those first few brush strokes would have led me to believe.

The next project was "paint anything you like".

Since we have had such a lovely colorful autumn, I chose to paint my "backyard".

This photo was taken in October from the levy behind our home.

The first stage, I painted the canvas this pinkish, orange-ish color.

Then I painted large blocks of color and and started to refine the big shapes.

I used natural sponges to dob in trees and bushes. I then went in with brushes and refined leaves and highlighted areas to show the shimmer of the light dancing in the morning sun. I also improvised the rocks in the foreground for more interest to the scene.

This painting is called "Autumn on the Klamath River".

I plan to enter it in the Liberty Arts December Member Show in Yreka.

This is a photo of my set up for my next class project which is a still life that I wanted to paint in the "seeing light and color" style.

This is my first rendition. Not sure that I'll do more work on this painting. I gave my sister the pine cones while she was here this weekend and started eating the pomegranate this afternoon. I might be able to finish it just from the photo. Not sure. I may abandon it altogether and go for persimmons.

We have only a couple more classes left and then voile' it's over til the spring class.

Attending class has summoned my muse and she has also helped me finish the project for the community center. We installed it last week and I will show you that process in my next blog.

Happy Life to You.




Anonymous said...

nice! I love seeing the progression of the 'backyard' piece. keep up the good work!


Nancy Van Blaricom said...

Finally...... some photo's of the work you've been doing. It all looks like so much fun. It makes me want to see more...........