Saturday, April 19, 2008

Apri 14. Teka leaves for Sitka

Teka Lamade diligently tended our boat during the winter of 07/08. George showed you a picture (on of our boat under snow and ice. It was during one of these snow storms, that Teka shoveled snow out of Teal's cockpit. To her we are thankful... cause all winter when we were watching Teal on the harbor webcam, we knew that she was being well cared for.

Well, we got back to Ketchikan in time to celebrate Teka at her farewell party at the Yacht Club. She had a huge turnout... 35 members and friends showed up to let her know how much she will be missed. She's off to Sitka to take the next step of her legal career. She has accepted a position of attorney in family law and apologetically I don't remember her exact title.

On April 14, she departed Thomas Basin with her crew Dwight and Sally aboard her S/V Allegro.

Toward the end of the week, we heard they made it to Petersburg. We are anxious to hear of their arrival and all the stories of their voyage.

Fair winds Teka. See you in Sitka.............



1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay here I am seeing if I can leave a comment !
LOVE reading your summer reading pleasure. Plus the pics are so eagerly awaited !
Happy sailing !