Sunday, April 13, 2008

Sunday April 13, Snowing again...

The night wind blew 40- 50 mph. Many times gusts slapped against the boat, with a loud wake up call! Our bent fish net disappeared in the storm, evidently when we were shoved over at an angle, it slid down off the biminy into the water.... never to be seen again.

Since we awoke this morning, we have had sun, rain, snow, rain, blue sky, sleet, gray sky, rain, snow, and a rising barometer.... So we have good times ahead on the weather front. Can't come soon enough....



1 comment:

JennieB! said...

holy cow!! it was 79 here - with no breeze both Sat and today - only finally is the fog rolling in... me & mb are both suntoasted... he's actually a little burnt my nose is just pink.

hang in there! global warming woo!