Sunday, April 13, 2008

Klamath River and our April 1 Departure

We had a belated Easter celebration with our friends at the river. The Haines standing there with George are old time Ketchikan residents. Pete and Shirley have acquainted us with many good fishing, crabbing, and shrimping holes in the SE Alaska waters.

We had a great day with Shirley Fisher and her family celebrating the coming of spring and and the finding of Easter Eggs.

We departed the river mid morning and had a good trip to Beaverton, Oregon... Had dinner with our friends Palmer and Eileen... midget race car buddies from days of yore. We had fun catching up at McGraths Fish Market. (We have one in Medford. I tried the pear/walnut salad recommended by Karen, our good
friend/neighbor, (pictured above with G and the Haines) It was as good as she said.. The seafood here is really good.

Palmer does wood working and we ordered a name sign for in front of our house... he'll be working on it for us during the summer and we'll pick it up on our way home. I'm very excited about it.

We spent the night at the Comfort Inn and ate one of the best breakfasts at Tom's Pancake House. It is NOT a chain, and it's been in operation for over 30 years. The waitress has been there for 18 and the manager worked his way up from his job of bus boy many years ago. We highly recommend it if you're in Beaverton.

We got our Trader Joe's fix down the street, picked up an adapter for the headset for the ham radio at Radio Shack and made a gas stop visit. The prices weren't all that bad... actually in the low $3 bracket..

Spent Tuesday afternoon and evening with Neil and Nancy on Harstiene Island, WA. They are great friends from our Oak Harbor boat yard days. We met at the harbor a couple years ago. Last year Neil spent a lot of time via phone helping us acquire a Hawkings antenna to get better wireless access with our internet. This year he is helping us with our Ham Radio stuff... antennas, techniques, and tips of the trade. He got George squared away on the antenna rigging for the boat.

Nancy and I had fun talking art. She is a wonderful water colorist, and is dipping into the oils and is doing a beautiful job. Check out her blog:

We awoke the next morning to a great breakfast, courtesy of Nancy. She cooked while Neil, George and I listened in to the Northwestern Boaters Net. Neil introduced me to the folks on the net, and even tho I'm not licensed for that frequency, I was allowed a chat of introduction.

We communicated with Neil on our way north, and it was fun to know the radio worked.

This is our radio, Kenwood TH-F6A. Not much larger than a cell phone.

It's very cute and has a bazillion features. Thank God. George has the patience to read directions and figure all this stuff out.

Next segment - Ferry Ticket pick up in Fairhaven and Cheese in Ferndale.


(Check George's blog for his spin on our Ketchikan arrival.) >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

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